"The problem of the world today is that there's not enough romance"
(Melody Maker, September 1974)
"You know, us human beings as a race, we really screwed things up badly. It's just... I mean, there are a few good people in the world with good intentions."
(press conference, July 1999)
"I'd been nervous of flying, which was part of the reason for me learning to fly, to conquer the fear..."
("The Break", 1999)
"I don't like the sound of saxophones. It sounds like a fart. <laughter> To my ears."
(press conference, July 1999)
"[About the view from his house on Ibiza] It was astonishing. The mood of the water changed by the hour. In August and September there would be enormous storms that blew up and battered the coast. (...)I could have watched the sea for ever."
(Carlos Finaly, August 1998)
"I'm the person known for bells. Quasimodo I suppose, and he's not around now."
(CNN, December 1999)